Some tittle-tattle about open relationship

Several weeks ago, I went on a trip with my new girlfriend. It is like a Valentine’s day, but we just want to go out together to see if we could survive with each other around. One thing interest me is the subject we talked about of me and several other ladies I knew.
As a matter of fact, we did have a threesome dating before in my last relationship. It was hot and fun, but we didn’t do much talking, because you know…Threesome dating can be very tiring when you are really at one. The reason we were together on that trip was one of her friends was trying to hit on me and hoped she could be the one introduces us.
Anyway, let’s call the woman I am currently with Mary, who is also the woman I went on a threesome app. Her friend is called Linda. Let’s just call her that. Mary tried to invite me to a party on behalf of Linda, but she didn’t let me know the truth. When I was at that party, I sort of guessed the truth. But I would more love to go out with Mary than Linda. I could sense she felt the same way. Linda was pushing herself to me pretty hard, but I didn’t give her much attention. I think she got what I meant then.
I really wanted to go out with Mary and I knew if I go out with Linda and we won’t have any chance at all. So I didn’t. When Linda tried to invite me to spend the night with her, I refused. That night, we managed to go out alone, me and Mary. That was great for both of us.
When we finished out trip and went back home, I met another lady I knew and talked to her for a while, while Mary just sit there and didn’t do much talking with us. After that, she asked me about all these ladies I knew and why I didn’t go out with them.
We once talked about open relationships and we both agreed that we were going to establish that kind of relationship. Jealousy is just a waste of time. We also agreed that open relationship is also a way to see each other in different circumstances, which would help us understand each other more.
Anyway, she kept asking me why I didn’t go out with Linda and why I didn’t go out with the woman we met on our way back and other women. I told her the truth. There are several reasons. First and to be honest, we didn’t have many opportunities to get with each other. Second, the chemistry just doesn’t fit right. Third and I think this one is the most satisfactory one for her, I think she is attractive and more specifically, more attractive than the others. When she heard the last reason, she was pleased. But when I think about it, she might not be the perfect partner for an open relationship. She could get jealous and all. Maybe all women are. They all want to be the special one.
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